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Canterbury Earthquakes

We’re working hard to resolve outstanding Canterbury claims so no one in Canterbury continues to live in earthquake damaged homes.

You can find out about our progress in our performance reports.

In this section you’ll find information on the Canterbury claim process for building, land, and drainage; how to request a review of your claim and general information on buying and selling a home in Canterbury.

The information provided on this webpage is specific to the Canterbury earthquake sequence events and in accordance with the detailed provisions of the Earthquake Commission (EQC) Act 1993 current at the time.

Building or renovating
Canterbury earthquake building claims

Information about the building claim settlement process for reopened claims.

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Canterbury earthquake drainage claims

Read more about the process for drainage claims.

LandClaim hero
Canterbury earthquake land claims

Find out about the types of land claims covered by EQC Toka Tū Ake.

Claim reviewed
Getting your claim reviewed

If you’ve discovered missed earthquake damage to your home, land or contents, you can request a review of your original Canterbury claim.

OnSold v2
Buying and selling a home in Canterbury

When you’re buying a home, it’s important to do your research.

Support package
On-sold over cap properties

All you need to know about On-sold support package for eligible homeowners.